Dr. Cassandra L. Glynn
Education Department
Program Director
M. Ed. | World Language Instruction
M. Ed. | Teaching & Learning/ Health & PE
P | 218.299.3857
E | cglynn@cord.edu
Learn more about Cassandra Glynn
Dedicated to your success through the program and beyond.
Our strong curriculum and experienced faculty ensure you'll graduate prepared to excel in the classroom. Our goal is to build supportive relationships with our students that continue after graduation.
View | Program Director's Note
Education Department
Program Director
M. Ed. | World Language Instruction
M. Ed. | Teaching & Learning/ Health & PE
P | 218.299.3857
E | cglynn@cord.edu
Learn more about Cassandra Glynn
Associate Professor
Education Department
P | 218.299.4510
E | kmford@cord.edu
Chair of the Education Department
P | 218.299.3629
E | dstolle@cord.edu
Associate Professor
Education Department
P | 218.299.3622
E | langlie@cord.edu
Education Department
P | 218.299.3641
E | awalker3@cord.edu
Adjunct Instructor
Master of Education
E | seberha1@cord.edu
Adjunct Instructor
M. Ed. | World Language Instruction
P | 218.299.3911
E | dboecker@cord.edu
Adjunct Instructor
Master of Education
P | 218.299.3911
E | jwatson3@cord.edu
Dr. Cassandra Glynn
Program Director
M. Ed. | World Language Instruction
M. Ed. | Teaching & Learning
M. Ed. | Health & Physical Education
Education Department
cglynn@cord.edu | mastered@cord.edu
Dr. Darrell W. Stolle
Chair | Department of Education
Professor | Education
218.299.3629 | dstolle@cord.edu
Dr. Susan Larson
Provost & Dean of the College
218.299.3252 | larson@cord.edu
View courses and calendars for the Teaching & Learning and Health & PE concentrations.
Teaching & Leanring Health & PEUnderstand the costs and fees related to the program. Find information for financial aid.
learn moreConcordia students will be prepared to face life’s unscripted challenges and thoughtfully influence the affairs of the world.
Contact the admission team at MasterEd@cord.edu with questions about the program.
Learn more about Concordia's education department.